A new function “ReadOnce” was added to the chattering avoidance library “B2CS”. I think it makes you easy to judge a push.
Release 2017.11.15
Release 2017.11.15
A new function “ReadOnce” was added to the chattering avoidance library “B2CS”. I think it makes you easy to judge a push.
Release 2017.6.26 / Update 2018.4.30
“ゲージ判定”を使ったチャタリング回避ライブラリを作ってみました。Arduino用です。 Continue reading 「B2CS」Arduino用自作ライブラリプログラミングでチャタリング回避
Release 2016.12.1 / Update 2017.6.26
I wrote a article about using MIDI by ‘Software Serial’. In this article, I also mentioned to how to ‘avoiding switches chatter’. This is new version of the method in old article. But for someone who never interested in MIDI, I write this method in this article again. Continue reading Chattering avoidance by programming : part 2