Release 2018.5.22

SNS feed has started

On this site, I began “feed” to SNS. You can get update information from twitter.

The reason is a “impersonation”

I had thoughts, “If there is valuable contents, site access will grow”, “Visiting from SNS are temporary”. So I didn’t want to use them – also slightly troublesome for me.

But, in this year, I noticed that somebody use “jumbleat” name as twitter account.

“jumbleat” is my own word. I had checked the word on web or dictronary before I got it as domain. And more, this twitter account seems to be spam, by a look. So this account is doubtly “impersonation” I think.

I never thought that there were malignant people aiming for such few-access site.

Unfortunately, making a account is “the first come, first served”. So I can’t help myself any more.

But in order to avoid further damage, I made accounts on any SNS. As a result by associating SNS with my site, no longer google catchs the search results. Then, although as I made to prevent it however, I began to think take advantage of it anyway.

I learned many things from this issue, but it made heavy regret to me. Let me advice those who are blogging in their own domain, you have to be careful!

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