I made “sakura” short movie of this year and you can watch it on Youtube. It will heal you from exhausted daily stress!
Continue reading Sakura 2017
Release 2017.5.14 / Update 2017.6.18
Release 2017.5.14 / Update 2017.6.18
I made “sakura” short movie of this year and you can watch it on Youtube. It will heal you from exhausted daily stress!
Continue reading Sakura 2017
Release 2017.4.30 / Update 2017.6.18
There are differences in ‘#inlucde’ notation when using libraries in Arduino IDE. Continue reading if you failed to compile the “SKETCH” 2 Include the Library
Release 2017.4.25 / Update 2017.6.19
I got a new camera stabilizer of Andoer. And it’s available on Youtube.
You can also watch how I have adjust it.
Review article about the stabilizer is now writing.
Release 2017.4.20 / Update 2017.10.22
Previously, I wrote about efficient Sketch how to use click type Rotary encoder. But, it wasn’t for non-click type encoder.
So I will try write new Sketch for it, and more, it makes worth to High-Resolution. No need extra electronic parts, just a Sketch. Continue reading Using rotary encoder part 2 : High-Res with “non-click”
Release 2017.2.25 / Update 2018.2.24
The page view count of this site has reached 10,000 PV.
Thank you for your visit.
Release 2017.2.15 / Update 2017.5.27
Since it occurs irregularly, I could not understand the cause, but there are some case that it can not be compiled with “correct syntax” on Arduino IDE. The reason why I can tell it is not wrong is because “sketches that were being compiled ordinary, before”.
It occurs when sketching to organize functions by making tabs, or copying functions from other sketches for progressing one.
Continue reading if you failed to compile the “SKETCH” 1 Function order
Release 2017.2.2
I uploaded to Youtube the video which shows how I hold the camera stabilizer. I will write about for more in this article.
Release 2017.1.13
Release 2017.1.11 / Update 2018.2.24
Since starting this site Aug 2016, the page view count has exceeded over 5000. Thank you very much for coming to read.
Since I’m beginner and my writing skills are not high, contents are thin yet. But, I will make effort to increase the number of articles that you will be interested in. So please keep on reading this site, thank you.